Spyridia hypnoides (Bory de Saint- Vincent) Papenfuss, 1968

Division     Rhodophyta
Class     Florideophyceae
Order     Ceramiales
Family    Callithamniaceae
Basionym     Thamnophora hypnoides Bory
SynonymAlsidium ericoides Hering, Bindera insignis J.Agardh, Spyridia ericoides (Hering) Kützing, Spyridia insignis (J.Agardh) J. Agardh, Spyridia tetracantha Kützing

    Thallus erect, robust and densely branched, composed of percurrent, plumose axes, attached by means of a conspicuous stupose holdfast to 1.5 cm in diameter, brownish-red with orangy apices; axes completely corticated up to immediately below the apices, ca 2 mm in diameter in the proximal parts, spirally branched, every segment producing a determinate lateral at 60° angles; determinate laterals straight, 300-900 μm long, proximally 150-280 μm in diameter, gradually tapering toward the apices, terminating in a single erect spine subtended by a variable number (2-5) of recurved spines on subterminal cells. Internal structure of the axes composed of a central axial filament and whorls of (12-) 14-15 (-17) periaxial cells which give rise to 2 basipetal cortical filaments each; primary cortex obscured by secondary cortical cells; determinate branchlets with a smaller number of periaxial cells (6-8) and only just becoming completely corticated, always with the initial cortical bands readily discernable. Tetrasporangia on proximal segments of determinate laterals, sessile, 1-4 per central cell and completely exposed, measuring 39-68 µm diameter.


Epilithic, at about low water mark.

Distribution in India

Cape Comorian, Trivandrum (Børgesen, 1937); Bombay (Lewis & Gonzalves, 1962); Gujarat, Tamilnadu (Untawale et al., 1983); Andhra Pradesh (Subba Rao et al., 1985); Cape Comorion & Kovalam (Sobha, Surendran & Nair, 1992).