Rhodymenia dissecta Børgesen 1938

Division     Rhodophyta
Class     Florideophyceae
Order     Rhodymeniales
Family    Rhodymeniales

    Thalli erect with a small disc, about 20 cm. high and dark red to brownish red in colour, thin and papery in consistency; frond flattened, membranous, cuneate at base, divided up to six times; segments 2-6 cm. long, 3-8 mm. wide sublinear, angles between divarication acute, axils rounded; proliferations confined to the cuneate basal portion, three to five on either margin, up to 10 cm long divided once or twice, with segments as wide as those of the main blades; margin of blades in upper parts entire, rarely proliferous, the ultimate portions sub-angulate, apices obtuse to subacute. Cross section shows 2 celled cortex; cells rectangular to oblong, 5–8 µm broad and 9.5-13.5µm long, medulla 2–3 cells broad, cells irregularly polygonal, 38-53 µm broad and 80-180 µm in diameter. Cystocarps scattered all over the surface, prominent, hemispherical, 0.8-1.25 mm in diameter; pericarp 165–220 µm and 9–12 cells thick, Carpospores obovoid, 16-18.5µm broad and 28-32µm long.


Lithophytic, sometime attached on dead shell and subtidal

Distribution in India

Tuticorin (Boergesen, 1938): Pamban, Tiruchendur, Cape Comorin (Krishnamurthy, 1980); Idinthakarai, Thondi, Manapad, Kovalam, Mully island Tamil Nadu, Dwarka (Gopalakrishnan, 1971).