Compsopogon caeruleus (Balbis ex C.Agardh) Montagne 1846

Division     Rhodophyta
Class     Compsopogonophyceae
Order     Compsopogonales
Family    Compsopogonaceae
Basionym     Conferva caerulea Balbis ex C. Agardh
SynonymCompsopogon hookeri Montagne; Compsopogon chalybeus Kützing; Compsopogon aeruginosus (J.Agardh) Kützing; Compsopogon leptoclados Montagne; Compsopogon lividus De Toni; Compsopogon oishii Okamura; Compsopogon minutes Jao; Compsopogon iyengarii Krishnamurthy; Compsopogonopsis leptoclados (Montagne) Krishnamurthy; Compsopogon indicus Das; Compsopogonopsis japonica Chihara; Compsopogon lusitanicum M.P.Reis; Compsopogon aeruginosus var. catenatum Yadava & Pandey; Compsopogon corticrassus Chihara & Nakamura; Compsopogon aegyptiacus Aleem; Compsopogon prolificus Yadava & Kumano; Compsopogon tenellus Y.J.Ling & S.L.Xie

    Thalli bluish green in colour grows up to 10 cm in height and 150 µm - 320 µm in width. Thalli attached by basal prostrate disc, 64 µm - 300 µm in diameter. One or two erect filaments arise from the basal disc. Thalli grow by means of apical cells, 5 µm - 18 µm in length and 6 µm - 29 µm in width.

    Thalli branch alternately or irregularly and branches arise from their bases. Width of the uniseriate filaments measure up to 50 µm, cells discoid to barrel shaped, 4 µm - 32 µm in length and 12 µm - 46 µm in width, cells contain numerous díscoid plastids. Older filaments bear 2 layered cortex; outer cortical cells 15 µm - 58 µm in diameter and inner cortical cells 30 µm - 68 µm in diameter. Axial cells measure 83 µm – 188 µm in diameter.


Thalli lithophytic, epiphytic or epizoic and it prefers oligotrophic waters.

Distribution in India

Gujarat; Jammu & Kashmir; Karnataka; Kerala; Madhya Pradesh; Odisha; Rajasthan; Tamil Nadu; Uttarakhand; Uttar Pradesh; West Bengal