Trachelomonas hispida var. crenulatocollis (Mask.) Lemmermann, 1910

Division     Euglenophyta
Class     Euglenophyceae
Order     Euglenales
Family    Euglenaceae
Basionym     Trachelomonas crenulatocollis Maskell
SynonymTrachelomonas hispida f. crenulatocollis (Maskell) Tell & V. Conforti

    Lorica broadly ellipsoidal, both ends broadly rounded and surface irregularly punctate with scattered conical spines and distributed mainly around the ends; 25–29 µm long and 19–22 µm broad. Apical Pore surrounded by a long cylindrical collar ornamented with few long spines at the tip and diverged distally; collar 2.5–4 µm long and 3.5–6 µm broad.