Micractinium pusillum Fresenius 1858

Division     Chlorophyta
Class     Trebouxiophyceae
Order     Chlorellales
Family    Chlorellaceae
SynonymRichteriella botryoides (Schmidle) Lemmermann; Staurogenia multiseta Schmidle; Crucigenia multiseta (Schmidle) Schmidle; Micractinium pusillum var. mucosa Korshikov; Micractinium eriense Tiffany & Ahlstrom; Golenkinia botryoides Schmidle; Tetrastrum multisetum (Schmidle) Chodat; Micractinium pusillum var. longisetum Tiffany & Ahlstrom

    Colonies consists of 2-4-8-16 spherical cells in pyramid or square arrangements. Cells of 4 in groups in organized with other similar groups. Cells measure 3-8 μm in diameter and setae 23-37 μm long. Cells show 2-5 finely tapering setae and parietal cup shaped chloroplast with a single pyrenoid.


Free floating freshwater alga prefers eutrophic water bodies.

Distribution in India

Bhopal; Raipur, Chhattisgarh; Cuttack, Odisha; Hyderabad, Telangana.