Cosmarium obtusatum (Schmidle) Schmidle 1898

Division     Charophyta
Class     Zygnematophyceae
Order     Desmidiales
Family    Desmidiaceae
Basionym     Cosmarium undulatum var. obtusatum Schmidle

    Cells large size, slightly longer than broad measures 45–55 μm in length and 38–46 μm in width. Cells deeply constricted at the center and sinus is linearly closed and wide at proximal side, isthmus is 8–12 μm. Semicell trapezoid shape and basal angle rounded; lateral margins convex with 7-8-undulations. Apex truncated or slightly swollen, cells with granules and cell wall clearly punctated. Semicells elliptical lateral view and round-oblong in vertical view.


Thalli collected as plankton from Pond at Marunthuvazh Malai Temple, Agastheeswaram Taluk; Karungal-Sonanga Parai Pond, Vilavancode Taluk.